ISABEL (IZZY) SEAY – Ford Sayre JNT Assistant Coach
Isabel (Izzy) Seay is the Junior Team Assistant Coach. A native of Wisconsin, she joined Ford Sayre this summer after graduating from Colby College, where she studied Environmental Policy and Spanish. Izzy raced during her undergraduate years and served as Varsity Nordic Ski Team Captain. Izzy can be reached at:

Can you give us a sense of what happens during a typical in-season day in your role?
This summer a typical day for me started off by coaching morning practice, usually roller skiing or running. If it was just an easy ski or run, I would generally go along with the athletes and really enjoyed using this time to get to know them better. If there was a more specific focus to the practice, such as intervals or technique drills, I would record video to analyze later and pull athletes aside to give individual suggestions. During the middle of the day, I would spend time looking over training logs, having individual meetings with athletes, and working with Hilary to write training, plan camps, and discuss all things JNT. As we move into the winter and start racing, I’m sure this time will include a lot more waxing skis! My day would finish up by going to afternoon practice, which I would drive the athletes to and from in our team van–a great way to stay current on what music high schoolers are listening to these days. Now that school has started, we just have practices after school, and I can’t wait to be driving to Oak Hill to ski on snow with the athletes.
How do you define success for your athletes?
It’s hard to give a universal definition of success for my athletes because I believe it looks different for each of them. I think part of being a good coach is working with each athlete to understand what their goals are and what they want to gain from being a part of Ford Sayre JNT. That being said, my aim as a coach is to provide the necessary support and guidance so that my athletes feel excited and confident about the process of working to achieve their goals. Overall, I hope to impart an understanding that the process of working hard for something is a worthy pursuit, no matter the outcome, and that all my athletes gain a greater appreciation for the sport that they will carry with them beyond Ford Sayre JNT.
Best Piece Of Advice You’ve Ever Been Given?
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.
What’s The Most Adventurous Thing You’ve Ever Done?
The summer after my senior year of high school, I went backpacking with two friends in Iceland for a week. It was my first time out of the country and first time backpacking.
What’s Your Favorite Non-skiing hobby?
This summer I learned how to make bagels!
What’s your hidden talent?
I competed in Irish dancing for several years and can still do a jig.