One of the characteristics that often unites Nordic skiers is their love for the outdoors!
If you’re looking for a fun and low-key way to keep your kids active outside this summer, consider signing up for the “Hanover Trails Challenge“. The Trails Challenge highlights many of the great public trails in Hanover. (My kids are LOVING it! They’ve spotted wild turkeys, explored dry riverbeds, and found beautiful flowers and feathers. They can’t wait to check out their next trail.)
The Trails Challenge is a collaborative venture sponsored by Hanover Parks & Recreation, The Hanover Conservancy, Hanover Improvement Society, Town of Hanover Conservation Commission, and several local businesses. (Note: While the website suggests that you have to sign up in June, you can still register online or by going to the Richard W. Black Rec. Center.)
In addition to the Trails Challenge, there are also a variety of other summer running activities posted on the Ford Sayre website.
Finally, with ski season only 4 1/2 months away, we are starting to plan for the upcoming season! We are excited for the opportunities ahead – and would love to have more people join our existing group of volunteers. If you are interested, please let me know.
Enjoy the summer – and be on the lookout for more communication in September!